

김기현 0 897 2004.10.20 15:06
어제 새로 포맷을 했습니다. 그리고 나서 프로그램들을 깔았습니다. 근데. 문제는
압축프로그램 알라딘 7.0.3인데요, 익스팬더는 되고, 압축은 안되요. 그리고 스캐너는 powerlook II 입니다. 그 또한 다운받아서 설치해도 구동이 되질 않습니다. 이게 대체 무슨 문제인가요. 실행을 하면 오류 유형 1010이 뜨면서 그냥 사라져 버립니다.
아시는 분 도와주세요. 부탁드립니다.누구게 10/20[21:56]
스터프잇 익스팬더는 "익스팬드"를 하는 프로그램입니다. 당연히 압축은 안 됩니다. 스캐너는... 잘 모르겠네요. 여기 설명이 있으니 참고하세요.누구게 10/20[21:58]
The Code Fragment Manager could not access the shared library successfully.
In the Mac OS operating system environment, all collections of executable code (applications, plug-ins, extensions and
the system software itself) are organized as fragments.
An application is a fragment that can be launched by the user from the Finder.
An import library is a fragment that contains code and data accessed by some other fragment or fragments. The
Macintosh system software is an import library that contains the code (and information) implementing the Operating
System routines.
An extension is a fragment that extends the capabilities of some other fragment.
Import libraries and extensions are sometimes called shared libraries, because the code and information they contain
can be shared by more than 1 thing (a "thing" being an application, extension or library).
Before the code or data in a fragment can be used, it must be loaded into memory from its file and prepared for
execution. This process is usually handled automatically by the Code Fragment Manager, the part of the Macintosh
Operating System responsible for loading and preparing fragments.
Fragment preparation consists mainly in resolving any references to other fragments in the fragment being loaded. The
Code Fragment Manager searches for another fragment (an import library) that has the information requested by the
fragment being loaded. Of course the import library containing the code or information requested by the first fragment
might itself contain references from yet a third fragment. If so, the Code Fragment Manager needs to load and prepare
the third fragment, then the second fragment, and finally the first fragment.
Somewhere along this chain of events, the process failed.
What to do
Try to identify all of the pieces (files) needed by the "thing" you are using when the error occurs. Replace any of them
that are missing or damaged. Also, make sure that you have enough memory available to accommodate the "thing"
you are using ALONG WITH the additional memory that the shared library needs.
If you give most of your free memory (RAM) to the "thing," you may not have enough left over for the system to use
as it starts up the shared library.
"I'm getting desperate trying to get my new scanner to work. I know it was a stretch to think I could buy a new scanner
and run it on my Performa 6200CD/ OS 8.0/ 40M RAM, but it's an early Christmas gift and I'm not quite ready to get a
new Mac yet. I can get the computer to recognize the scanner but when I go to preview it locks up on calibrating. I
think it's a SCSI problem. Can I get any updates or drivers to help my old Mac SCSI talk better with a SCSI-2 scanner?
Try this:
1. Are you sure you don't have two SCSI devices set to the same address. SCSI Probe or Mt. Everything, available in
our Library, will show SCSI addresses.
2. Set the scanner to SCSI address 6, making sure no other device has that address.
3. Try a different SCSI cable or cables.
4. If you have other SCSI devices connected, remove them from the chain.
5. Make sure your SCSI chain is properly terminated. Only the last (or only) device should be terminated. If a device
in the chain has internal termination that cannot be turned off, connect it as the last device in the chain."

"I just connected the same scanner to my Performa 6300CD. Whenever I try to initiate a scan, the program that
initiated it crashes with error 1010. I don't have duplicate SCSI addresses, and only the last device of two in the chain
is terminated. The cable I got was supposedly rated for high speed use. The computer identifies the scanner on the
SCSI bus OK, but only fails when I try to use it."
"Check www.umax.com for a fix. There is a SCSI timing problem on some of the PowerPC Performas that prevents
some scanners from operating properly. Umax has an extension that should fix the problem on their web site."

"I checked the UMAX website, and downloaded the update. The documentation said it was for 6360 and 64xx models
only, and it refused to patch my computer when I ran it. By the way, my motherboard got the upgrade that many of
the 6300's needed. The UMAX service guy says that the error message 1010 is a Colorsync error, and has had me
trying updates on the colorsync software, but still no joy. It's pretty clear from the timing of the failures that it's when
the UMAX Vistascan driver tries to run the scanner that the crash occurs."
"So here's a strange one: I install a USB card (painlessly) in one of my free PCI slots. Load the Apple drivers and upon
restart, my computer recognizes I have a USB card.
I then proceed to install an ACER USB 320U scanner and the respective drivers and plug-ins. After another restart, I
open Photoshop 5.5 and after selecting TWAIN plug-in, Photoshop quits immediately saying error 1010 has occurred.
I've never heard of this one and can't find any documentation to explain this. Does anyone know what this error is and
how to potentially troubleshoot it?
I've tried Conflict Catcher and it doesn't seem to be an extension conflict.
According to MacsBug it's a bad shared library error. I'm assuming that one of the shared libs for either photoshop or
the scanner software is either corrupted or needs to be updated."
"I got the 1010 error after trying to set my printer in the Chooser. I just did a clean install of 7.6 on my PowerBook
5300c, on top of which were Speed Doubler 2.0.1, STF 1.1.4, and HP printer driver 9.1.3. Unfortunately, mine did *
not* clear up after restart. Sigh.
Get rid of STF 1.1.4. Update to a later version as a sort of aggravation insurance. That said, I too had the 1010
System error as described. I'm told it is a signal that one of your shared libraries in the System has bumped into a lack
of Finder memory. AppleScript was my ultimate nemesis. I had added a Control Strip module which was the underlying
cause of the crash. Do the standard conflict test - you'll find a new addition causing the problem."
"I have too identical 7100/80's with 7.5.3 (both clean installs) to work with: one is mine and one is my parents. My
Zip drive works fine with my machine but gives *strange* errors when it is hooked up to my parents.

MY 7100/80:
Zip driver 4.2, internal HD (700 MB Quantum) is formatted with HDT 1.8s. I upgraded to 7.5.3 without a hitch. My Zip
drive worked as flawlessly as before.

MY PARENTS 7100/80:
Zip driver 4.2, internal HD (540 MB Quantum) is formatted with the Apple drivers. I updated the driver using the disk
utility that came with 7.5.3 before installing 7.5.3.

I installed the Iomega Zip 4.2 driver. When I tried to run programs from the Zip they wouldn't boot up. When I tried to
unstuff files from the Zip I would get errors (either -36 (I/O error) or a 1010 error). Now, the strange part: I could copy
a StuffIt! archive to the internal HD without a hitch, no errors. Then when I would try to unstuff it *from* the internal
HD *to* the internal HD (the Zip cartridge was ejected) I would get "bad media" errors. I checked out both Zip and HD
with Norton 3.2.1 and got no errors. The above errors happened with several different Zip cartridges.

I re-updated the Apple driver on the internal HD and rebuilt the desktop on the internal HD and Zip. I took the Iomega
4.2 driver out of the extensions folder. I restarted and zapped PRAM. Upon restarting I inserted the Zip cartridge right
away so it would auto mount (since the Zip driver was disabled). Now the Zip worked perfectly once again. However,
upon returning to the computer several hours later I was getting the same errors when trying to read from the Zip.

I restarted normally, inserting the Zip right away so it would mount. The Zip worked fine again and is working as I type

I think that the new Apple driver is causing the conflicts with the Zip drive. The only difference between these two
7100's is the HD drivers and on the FWB HDT 1.8s machine the Zip works perfectly and on the Apple (version ??? that
came with the 7.5.3 update) formatted machine the Zip won't work.

It also irks me that with the new 'Drive Setup 1.0.4' from Apple you can't even find out what version of the driver that
HD currently has."
"I recently installed OS9 on my B&W G3. When I try to use the system software update control panel (1.1), there is
the beginning of a dialogue (bar) for a second or so, then an abrupt shut off and back to the finder with the message
that an error of type 1010 occurred.
According to notes I have seen, this error refers to some kind of library resource that is corrupted?
Try setting your Extension Manager control panel to Mac OS 9 All and restart.
Remove these files from the Preferences folder:
- Software Update Logs
- Software Updates Pref
- Updatable Items
Run Disk First Aid and rebuild the Desktop.
You might also try disabling any proxy servers in the Internet control panel.
If none of these suggestions helps, you may need to perform a clean install of your system software."
"It seems to either be a missing extension and or control panel or a conflict. I install a full version of Mac OS9 on a
separate partition and "software update" works, so it's not hardware related.
The Software Update Scheduler extension wasn't in my extensions folder. When moved back, the Update Now function
of the Software Updater works again."
"I was seeing the same symptoms, where Software Update would just beep. I too had moved the Software Update
Scheduler extension out of the Extensions folder. At the time it seemed like a good idea, cut down on unneeded
extensions and so on. After moving the extension back Software Update now works."
"When I launch Photoshop 6.0 it crashes with a 1010 error. I recently saw on MacFixit that others have had this
problem and the culprit was not having the ColorSync extension enabled. Well, mine is enabled and I still get the
"We believe we have tracked this down to an incompletely uninstalled Umax scanner driver. Umax scanner drivers
install a Photoshop plug-in, a TWAIN driver and a shared library. If the shared library is removed or disabled (it is no
longer present in the Extensions folder) but the TWAIN and/or Photoshop plug-in are present, when Photoshop 6.0
attempts to put the name of the scanner device in the File> Import menu at application startup time, the TWAIN driver
crashes when it cannot find the shared library.
Previous versions of Photoshop only attempted to obtain the name of the scanner device at Import time, but 6.0 makes
scanner aquisition easier by putting the device names in the Import menu at application launch time. That is why this
Umax bug did not occur with previous versions of Photoshop.
The solution is to reinstall the Umax driver if you are using a Umax scanner, or remove the Photoshop plug-in and
TWAIN driver if you are no longer using the device."
"I do not have a UMAX scanner. I'm using a RELISYS 4816. Is it still possible that PS 6.0 has installed a scanner plug-
in or TWAIN driver that needs to be removed?"
"Photoshop does not install any scanner drivers at all. It does install a Photoshop plug-in that will attempt to use any
TWAIN drivers installed on your machine to populate the File> Import menu at Photoshop startup time. If those TWAIN
drivers are incorrectly or incompletely installed or uninstalled you may run into this "error 1010" problem. If you remove
the Photoshop plugin called Plug-in : Import/Export : TWAIN does the error still occur at Photoshop startup? If it
doesn't, put the TWAIN Photoshop plug-in back. If you then uninstall your Relisys driver do you still get the error at
startup? Is the Relisys driver a TWAIN driver, Photoshop plug-in or some other type or driver?"
"Well I'll be hum-dinged! It was the PS Twain Plug-in. If I put it in the trash, it starts right up --- no 1010 error!" 10/21[05:47]
