2000.10.27 07:47
> 맥를 사용하는 유저인 저에게
> 많은걸 가르쳐주셔서 감사합니다..
> 인터넷에서 다운로드하고 압축를 해제하면고,
> 실행하면 유형 -199오류 응용프로그램이라고
> 나오는데 어떻게 해결하나요...
안녕하세요? 다음의 웹사이트에 가셔서 Black & Bleu인가 하는 괴상한 이름의 아주 비싼 셰어웨어를 받으시면 앞으로 모든 오류의 원인과 해결책을 쉽게 찾으실 수 있을 겁니다. 사람들이 턱없는 돈을 요구한다고 욕은 하지만 내용 자체는 아주 마음에 듭니다. 돈을 안 내도 얼마 간은 사용할 수 있으니 받아 보시길... (물론 등록번호는 매달 정기적으로 인터넷 천지에 널리 배급되고 있습니다만... 여기 자료실에도 찾아보시면 있을지도?)
우선 제가 여기서 뽑아낸 오류 -199에 대한 설명을 아래에 첨부합니다. 이걸 모두 한글로 번역할 정력과 시간이 없음을 용서하시기 바랍니다.
mapReadErr (-199)
The "Read/Write" setting of the Resource Map doesn't allow the operation.
The Resource part of the file you are trying to use is "Locked". That is, the resources can't be changed. However, the application you are using is trying to change them anyway. When this happens, the Resource Manager returns this error to the application.
Resources are an interesting part of the Mac. Each and every file that you have on your Mac can contain both data and resources. Not all do however. As an example, consider a file that is created using SimpleText. If you just enter text into the file then the file only contains "data". On the other hand, let's say that you mark some of the text as "Bold". This action creates a resource in the file that keeps track of where the "Bold" text occurs and allows SimpleText to display it back to you as "Bold" the next time you visit the file.
Resources can be used for many other things as well but you don't have to concern yourself with what those things might be. Just be aware that resources CAN exist inside files.
What to do
The file you are trying to change has its resources marked as "Read Only". To gain access to the resource part of the file, you will need a resource editor such as ResEdit (available from Apple as a free download).
With such a tool, you can change the file's resource status from "Read Only" to "Modifiable". Note that this is similar to marking a file as "Locked" in the Finder but the "Locked" check box that the Finder has doesn't affect the protection of the resource part of the file. They are separate from each other.
Unless you can change the protection status of the resource part of the file, you will likely continue to get this error in the future.
Identifying which file to change can be trickier. But start with any Preferences files associated with the application that is returning the error. Then work through any file that might be touched as you use the application. Sooner or later, you will find the file that is causing the error.
"I've tried a reinstall of the network software from my 8.5 CD, but to no avail."
"Some file that the Internet CP needs has its resource file modified to "Read Only". When you reinstalled the 8.5 software, did you do a clean install? And did you trash the preference files for all the network files that the Internet CP might need?
If you don't want to reinstall the entire OS, you might try these mini-installs. You could also try to fix it with ResEdit - it's a lot easier to just do a clean OS install, as it may not be easy to figure out which file has the altered resources."
"Every time I click on the Chooser in the Apple Menu, I get a message saying: The desk accessory "Chooser" could not be opened, because an error of type -199 occurred. Could anyone help me with this problem? I can not fix my printer (which I know how to fix) without the Chooser."
"Simple solution, reinstall the Chooser, from the other installer on the System CD - this is usually located 2-3 folders deep within the System Software folder.
This alternative installer will allow you to install individual elements of the OS, ie. Apple Menu Items (I think), control panels and extensions.
If you cannot install the Chooser individually, then you're looking at a System reinstall just to get that one file."
"I've been using OE4.5 to log in to my mail account. Suddenly, with no changes in configuration, I am unable to access my mail with OE and receive:
A filtering error has occurred.
An Error has occurred (-199).
Unable to retrieve mail
Filtering Error (-199).
My login is properly lowercased and password is OK, evidenced by the fact that I was able to set up Eudora Lite for this account and use it to get mail from this server."
"Go to Tools menu and clear cache for this account to fix the problem."