Re..토마토넷을 이용할 때에 이상한 메시지가...

Re..토마토넷을 이용할 때에 이상한 메시지가...

강백호 0 239 2001.05.05 03:24
안녕하세요... 우선 이것은 header.php의 문제인데여.

우선 현재접속을 체크하는데 쓰이는것이거든여.

그런데... 여기서 필요한것은 날짜부분과 또 cache인데여...

이부분을 한번 확인해 주세여... (익스플로어 프리퍼런스에서)



> 토마토넷을 이용할 때에 군데 군데 아래와 같은 메시지가 도배됩니다.
> 이유를 아시는 분 계시나요? 설정을 바꾸어야 할 것이 있나요?
> 토마토넷 신입회원 강남호 올림.

> Warning: client used wrong authentication scheme (DPA) in - on line 148

> Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in ./SZmember/header.php on line 2

> Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in ./SZmember/header.php on line 3

> Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in ./SZmember/header.php on line 4

> Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in ./SZmember/header.php on line 5

> ◈ hebelle ─ 저도 그래요~~ 어떨땐 정상적으로 보이는데 특히 왼편 메뉴판에 싹 도배되는군요. 시작페이지로 지정하고싶어도 이것땜에 거슬려서.. ^^;;
