Ghost's confession ( 고 백 )

Ghost's confession ( 고 백 )

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  • Ghost's confession

    I met one person.But, I am doing hard love
    I do not see though want to see really though want to see
    The world seems to be unequal my mind really
    Was not there is so serious having met many people

    However, I differ now

    I do not want to lose the person
    If lose the person, I must live inside perhaps many lashes
    If think her, tear sometimes flows in eyes

    She is a so warm person to me

    I want to go near near, but is so painful
    I think her several times in a day
    Her laughing face.her angry face ...
    I remember as is so clear

    Perhaps, she is an angel
    She will not know such few thing here me
    I she while is alive she love.

    I am sorry.I love you

    I am a man who is still timid.Like this, I confess in English.
    (나는 여전히 겁많은 사람입니다. 이것처럼, 나는 영어로 고백합니다. )

    --- Ghost ---


뭔 소린지..-_-;;; 
=_=;; 피곤하네... 여독이 안풀려서... 
헉 영어다 ㅠ.ㅠ 해석편두 부탁드립니다 ^^;; 
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